Video: Transforming a Corner Garden
Ryon — Jun 22
It doesn't have to be hard to transform a tricky landscape area! In this short video, watch as we landscape a full-sun corner with just 3 different plants, turning it into a bright, flowering garden.
We also cover basic landscape design principles, like how many plants to use in an area, how to balance height and texture, planting tips for happy, healthy plants and more.
Watch until the end for the full before-and-after!
What we planted:
- 1 Bloodgood Japanese Maple
- 3 Sunshine Ligustrum
- 2 Pink Knock Out® Roses
See the full transcript below!

Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Sunshine Ligustrum and Knock Out® Roses, ready to be planted

The final planted garden
Full Transcript: Transforming a Corner Garden
It doesn't have to be difficult to add color and excitement to your yard. With just a handful of trees and plants you can turn this corner into a colorful and vibrant area to enjoy on a nice day.
With, all of these great plants will ship right to my door ready to plant. Now, with a little time, we can get all of these planted, cover the area with mulch, and we've transformed this area into a colorful and inviting space with just a handful of plants.
The best looking landscapes add height in the back or middle and work down to small plants in the front. We'll add one tree in the middle to anchor our bed and provide height. Here, we're using the Bloodgood Japanese Maple. It will stand out with deep red foliage and it grows well in full sun or partial shade, making it perfect for this spot.
To provide a backdrop for the Japanese Maple we'll use these medium height Sunshine Ligustrum Shrubs, planting them around the backside. These add depth to the planting area and will look good year round.
In the front we'll add some color with these Knock Out® Roses. They come in a variety of colors and bloom through fall.
It doesn't have to take a lot of work to make a great impact on your yard. With just a handful of plants, and a little time, we've transformed this area into one that we'll enjoy for seasons to come.
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