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Over 2 Million Happy Customers

Holly Shrubs

Showing 1 - 14 of 14 items

Showing 14 of 14 items

Soft Touch Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Starting at $23.95 Starting at $29.95

118 reviews
Growing Zones: 5-9
Growing Zones 5-9
Dwarf Burford Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Fast Growing

Starting at $46.95

23 reviews
Growing Zones: 7-9
Growing Zones 7-9
Monarch Holly

Sunlight: Full Sun

Growth Rate: Fast Growing

Starting at $38.95

Growing Zones: 6-9
Growing Zones 6-9
Arrow Point® Japanese Holly

Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun

Growth Rate: Fast Growing

Starting at $29.95

Growing Zones: 6-9
Growing Zones 6-9
Robin™ Red Holly Tree

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Fast Growing

Sold Out

32 reviews
Growing Zones: 6-9
Growing Zones 6-9
Southern Gentleman Winterberry Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Sold Out

23 reviews
Growing Zones: 3-9
Growing Zones 3-9
Oak Leaf Holly Tree

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Sold Out

61 reviews
Growing Zones: 6-9
Growing Zones 6-9
Winter Red Winterberry Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Slow Growing

Sold Out

37 reviews
Growing Zones: 3-9
Growing Zones 3-9
Apollo Winterberry Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Sold Out

26 reviews
Growing Zones: 5-9
Growing Zones 5-9
Micron® Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Slow Growing

Sold Out

Growing Zones: 7-9
Growing Zones 7-9
Dwarf Yaupon Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full-Partial

Growth Rate: Fast Growing

Sold Out

7 reviews
Growing Zones: 7-9
Growing Zones 7-9
Compacta Japanese Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full Sun

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Sold Out

Growing Zones: 6-8
Growing Zones 6-8
Steeds Japanese Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full Sun

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Sold Out

10 reviews
Growing Zones: 5-8
Growing Zones 5-8
Carissa Holly Shrub

Sunlight: Full Sun

Growth Rate: Moderate Growing

Sold Out

3 reviews
Growing Zones: 7-9
Growing Zones 7-9

Greenery and pops of contrast

Rich and glossy forest-green foliage, along with vibrant red berries on some varieties, make Holly Shrubs the perfect option for a stylish ornamental during the winter. Whether you want the more common Nellie Stevens or American Holly, these shrubs are the perfect options for quality greenery.

Types of Holly Shrubs and More

Nellie Stevens Holly

Nellie Stevens Holly

A mix between a Chinese and English Holly, Nellie is admired for its glossy green foliage year-round and the radiant red berries that grow in the fall.

American Holly

American Holly

This holly can adapt to almost any kind of soil and remains fully branched to the ground as it matures. The only difference between the American and the Nellie is that the American Holly doesn’t grow as fast as the Nellie Stevens annually.

Oak Leaf Holly

Oak Leaf Holly

Unlike many in its family, this tree is the hardiest and toughest. Commonly used as an ornamental, this tree will put on a show year-round.

Winter Red Winterberry Holly

Winter Red Winterberry

Hardy down to -30 degrees, this tree is perfect for Growing Zones 3 through 9! This female deciduous tree will surely give you all of the beauty that other hollies give before losing its leaves during the winter.

Apollo Winter Berry

Apollo Winterberry

This Male Winterberry pollinates with the Winter Red Winterberry and can pollinate up to six Winter Red Winterberries by itself! Though Apollo does not produce berries, this tree still grows creamy white flowers during the late spring.

Sky Pencil Holly

Sky Pencil Holly

This maintenance-free tree gives you a sleek modern look without the work. The Sky Pencil Holly can be used as an ornamental or can accent your home in rows for a narrow hedge. The choice is up to you! Forget about pruning and let the Sky Pencil do its thing. It will not disappoint.

Soft Touch Holly

Soft Touch Holly

These adorable shrubs are different from most in its family. Instead of the red berries that most hollies produce, the Soft Touch will grow black berries during the late fall or early winter. Maturing to a height of 2 to 3 feet tall, this tree is perfect if you love the gleaming green leaves of Hollies but you do not want the height that comes with it.

Red Robin Holly

Robin Red Holly

Unlike other hollies, this tree can grow well indoors and thrives wonderfully in shade, too. Clusters of red berries will last until winter, making it the perfect ornamental for Christmas every year.

How to Plant Holly Shrubs

First, it's important that you pick a spot that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight per day and has well-drained soil. Hollies can thrive in partial shade as well. Just make sure that the shrub gets at least 3 to 6 hours of early morning or afternoon sun. Afterwards, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and place your shrub - it's that simple.

Large Holly Bush

When to Prune Holly Shrubs

Inspect your tree for any intersecting, damaged, diseased, or dead branches. Once you find the branches you’re going to prune, gradually cut them off starting from the bottom of the tree and work your way up. The best time to prune your tree is during the winter, when the tree is dormant.